5 combination cheese individual selected,Pecorino in Grotta,Ubriaco di Prosecco,Taleggio DOP,Ragusano DOP,Canestrato Pecorino casa Madaio

  • $180.00
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Sydney with soft cheese , Australia wide with hard cheese
A pre selection of 5 beautiful creamy tasty cheese with a hint of salt and a mild wild herbal taste from the Cow Milk to the mix Sheep milk
from Veneto all the way to Sicily 

* Pecorino in Grotta approx 200 gr

* Ubriaco in Prosecco approx 200 gr

* Taleggio DOP approx 200 gr

* Canestrato Pecorino Casa Madaio approx 200 gr

* Ragusano approx 200 gr

  • Pecorino in Grotta on pine boards in a stone cellar, known as a grotta. It is also coated with hay when it is young to protect the cheese and to add a deep, complex grassy flavour that compliments the rich, buttery flavours of the sheep’s milk. The cheese develops a subtle savoury bite.
  • Ubriaco in Prosecco this cow’s milk cheese from Veneto is bathed in Prosecco and aged for a minimum of 6 months. 
  • Taleggio is a smear-ripened Italian cheese named after the caves of Val Taleggio. It is one of the oldest soft cheeses produced every autumn and winter
  • Moliterno is, above all, an area where the cheeses produced higher up the mountains are brought together and ripened in the mountain valleys of the Agri River.  Moliterno Sheep’s cheese (or ‘Incanestrato’ due to the fact that the cheese forms are put to dry in baskets -canestri) has the exclusive characteristic of being produced by adding a small amount of goat’s milk to that of the sheep, giving it a very distinctive taste.This classical cheese form Basilicata region is produced higher up the mountains are brought together and ripened in the mountain valleys of the Agri River.  Canestrato Lucano cheese (or ‘Incanestrato’ due to the fact that the cheese forms are put to dry in baskets -canestri in Italian) has the exclusive characteristic of being produced by adding a small amount of goat’s milk to that of the sheep, giving it a very distinctive taste.The milk used can be only sheep, according to the period of the year during which the sheep's production is in majority.
  • Ragusano is an Italian cow's-milk cheese produced in Ragusa, in Sicily in southern Italy. It is a firm stretched-curd cheese made with whole milk from cows of the Modicana breed, raised exclusively on fresh grass or hay in the provinces of Ragusa and Syracuse
Region: Tuscany, Veneto, Lomabrdy, Basilicata Sicily, Italy
Milk: Cow
Size: approx 250 gr  cut to size